Nevada Aerial Services
Flight Instruction, Flight Reviews, and More!
You have dreamed of flying since forever. Isn’t it time to train with a true professional? My background is in education, aviation, and aeronautical science. Teaching AND aviation are in my blood. Both are passions of mine and I think you’ll see that training with me makes a big difference in how you learn. My training record speaks for itself. My high success rate has earned the FAA Gold Seal designation. Maximize your training! I can train in your aircraft or through a local flight school. Reach out today and I’d be happy to talk to you about options. Click here to read a bio about me and my background. Full time flight instruction and education are what I do!
Aerial Imagery
Aren’t your aerial imagery needs worth trusting to a true professional? Capturing images from the air is more than simply flying a drone and taking pictures. It requires knowledge of airspace, legal and safe operations, as well as an artistic eye. I can offer you all of that. Be sure to ask your aerial photographer if they are Part 107 certified and know how to safely and legally fly in controlled airspace. Trust your aerial imagery needs to a licensed professional.